What you have nothing downloaded for the sims? are you kidding me you better start downloading them right NOW!! (if you want) but you know you wwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn'ttttttttt iiiiiiitttttt! I understand that some of the downloads are taking a while to download I have no idea but i could have something to do with tripod i really don't know the downloads work but from what I hear they are slow so while your waiting surf the web site -Thanks for convinience Simoleonn Swim Suit Skinz (2) ****0 I give this skin a 4 out of five stars because of the way they look there two female skins both are swimming suit skins there is a blue and a striped one they come with a redme on who created them and where to store um but overall theese are OK skinZ Miss American Skin (1) ***** I give this skin a 5 out of 5 stars because it's an american skin and ever since sept 11 The americans have fought hard. The design of this skin is good it's a female and it doesn't have an american flag on it but it has the BLUE,RED,WHITE so I think it counts EMAIL ME I'LL POST ANyTHing You AsK 4! |